homes | Photography and New Media Art | demo | 2015
"homes | Photography and New Media Art" exhibition at Lumenvisum Gallery, Hong Kong
17 / 10 / 2015 - 29 / 11 / 2015
Artist's Sharing: 31 / 10 / 2015 3-4:30pm
Workshop: 31 / 10 / 2015 4:45-6:15pm
Project Investigator: Tamás Waliczky
Idea, concept: Anna Szepesi and Tamás Waliczky
Artistic Supervisor: Anna Szepesi
Co-Investigator: Jane Prophet
Photography: Tamás Waliczky, Tong Yee Tak, Anna Szepesi
3D models, texture map: Tong Yee Tak, Li Danwudan, Man Chun Yip, Chen
Xinyi, Zhang Zinan
The project was supported by:
General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong
Drs Richard Charles & Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation
City University of Hong Kong
Photos by Tamás Waliczky, Anna Szepesi, Jack Lee